Saturday 13 July 2013

cover photos collections

Today we add to list with two new websites that collect hundreds of covers and have them ready for you to use on your profile.

1. Cover Photo Finder

Cover Photo
CoverPhotoFinder collects hundreds of covers and has them ready to be inserted into your timeline. In the upper right corner you can click on “Log in with Facebook” and authorize the site to use your account, then after you click “Use This Photo Cover” on the cover you choose it will put it on your profile.
Each user also has the ability to upload their own cover and add to the collection site by clicking on the arrow at the top right labeled Upload.

2. My profile cover

Another service is MyProfileCover which has several positive points compared to the competitor. The covers are classified into categories for easy reference, so you can browse among animals, cars, cartoons, nature, people, games etc..
To put the cover on your profile you must click download (see image at top of this article) “Click to download this cover.” You can then load it manually in your timeline.
A negative aspect of the site is the watermark that is inserted to the right of every cover. This negative point is offset, however, with another unique service, the opportunity to apply for your cover. Each user can also add a comment to this page and ask for a customized timeline cover image.

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